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point / respect / regard / aspect / way / in terms of / in that / as far as ~ concerned
a noun which expresses the idea of “a point of argument; a point of evaluation; a point of view
Source: A Dictionary of Intermediate Japanese Grammar 日本語文法辞典【中級編】
keieisya no kangae wa arayuru tende jyugyoin toha chigau.
Businessman’s ideas are different from employees in every way.
jikan no seikakusa toiu tende, nihon no koutukikan wa sekaiichi desu.
In terms of punctuality, Japanese transportation is probably the best in the world.
shiya wo hirogeru koto ga dekiru toiu tende, ryugaku wa jinsei wo kaeru youna keiken ni nariuru to omou.
I’m sure studying abroad can be a life-changing experience for you in that you can broaden your horizons through it!